MSKF mag 006

MSKF mag 006
Issue 006
100 Pages
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Reading through the interview with Marino Morwood by Karan Teli and being able to relate to being on your laptop all day creating is basically true to my life. The magazine isn’t really based anywhere, its where ever there is Wi-Fi, and even if there is no internet I still am able to work on something else. For a long time, I thought I was going to be somewhere else in life, I thought I was going to be an architect. I learned about it on my spare time and taught myself programs that I thought I would use forever, but then I found something else that I loved and that was working on the magazine; being able to orchestrate and build something from the ground up in a different way. What I am trying to get at is if you set limitations on yourself you won’t find your true potential, if you expose yourself to other things you might end up loving that thing even more, and if you don’t do that you would only be hurting yourself. In this issue we have explored limitations; through painstaking work on sneakers, creating music, love, personal style, clothing, skateboarding and the face. There is no such thing as the perfect route, sometimes changing course leads to something even more amazing and true to who you are.